The following quotation is from the book , The Path To Love, Spiritual Strategies for Healing, by Deepak Chopra.
I promised in my previous blog to explain just what I meant when I referred to, " Soul Bargain , " and how this has helped me to actualize some of my hopes and dreams. If you try this you may be very surprised how it might help you as well.
" Healing the split between love and spirit is the goal of this book, and periodically I will give practical suggestions to that end. Usually these " loving practices" are directed to the reader, but I recommend, were possible, that you and your beloved both try them.
The first loving practice addresses doubts you may have about whether a "higher" love has any kind of accessible reality. To someone who has never fallen in love, you cannot prove that the experience exists. There is no power in words to evoke passionate romantic love, just as the fragrance of a rose is meaningless however beautifully you describe it. How much more alien, then, is the love promised by union with spirit? Look at the following list of things that love is supposed to accomplish, expanded from the list that appeared earlier in the text:
Love is meant to heal
Love is meant to renew.
Love is meant to make us safe.
Love is meant to inspire us with its power.
Love is meant to make us certain, without doubt.
Love is meant to oust all fear.
Love is meant to unveil immortality.
Love is meant to bring peace.
Love is meant to harmonize differences.
Love is meant bring us closer to God.
Even if this list strikes you as unrealistic, or wildly overblown, I want you to make a bargain with love-a soul bargain-that any or all of these things will come true for you.
Take a piece of paper and write down what you want from love. If it is a real force, if it is attuned to who you are, love will respond. Make your list as complete and specific as you can. I suggest writing down every entry from the preceding list and beside it just what you want. For example:
Love is meant to heal.
I want to heal my anger toward my father. I want to heal the love I couldn't give to my children when they needed it. I want to heal my hurt over losing my friend X.
Love is meant to renew.
I want to feel renewed enthusiasm for my work. I want to renew the sexual feelings I have for my wife. I want to renew my sense of being young.
Love is meant to make us safe.
I want to feel safer with other people. I want to feel safe when I go outdoors for morning run. I want to feel safe from having X reject me if I tell him I love him.
Love is meant to inspire us with its power.
I want my love to be powerful. I want to use all my own power with love. I want to express love when I feel it and not give in to lower emotions like fear and anger.
Once you are satisfied that you have detailed everything you want-and don't feel afraid to ask too much-the bargain is complete. Put the piece of paper away in a safe place. You have announced to your soul what you want, and it is up to love to respond. Love is intelligent and aware; it knows you better that you know yourself. Therefore it has the power to fulfill its side of the bargain. Rest easy and be attentive over the next few months. Don't dwell on your list or try to make it come true. there is nothing you need to do except this:
When you feel love, act on it. Speak your heart. Be truthful. Remain open.
This is how you align yourself with love. At the end of a few months, take out your list and read it over. Ask yourself how much has come true. I won't say that you will be amazed at what love has actually done-although many people are-but you will certainly be surprised. Actually asking for love is one of the most difficult things for anyone to risk, and by risking it first in your hearty, you open a door that will never close again. "
Deepak Chopra - The Path To Love