Monday, January 19, 2015

Dionysos-lacchos Twice-Born - The Fool

The Fool- Egg Tempera on Porcelain Tile, 6"x6" - Catherine Meyers, 2015

I painted for three hours and finally finished my painting around five o'clock. I took a picture after the natural light disappeared, so it isn't the best picture in term of exposure. I'll replace it tomorrow when I can take a photo during the day.

 I added a lot more marks, and some goat horns. Yup goat horns, that indicates The Fool is like an animal. He is the child of Zeus, and reborn of the underworld twice-born.

Having completed my first painting, and getting my car back from the garage after being without a vehicle for over a month, it's been a real good day and like The Fool I've come out of my cave!

Note: This photo was updated January 20th 2015.


Judith Joseph said...

I love this! I like the mystery and whimsy. The pointillist treatment gives it an effervescent quality, full of color and energy. Well done!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Judith. I certainly appreciate the feed back. <3