Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Rainy Melancholic Day

                                                      Apple River - Catherine Meyers

A rainy melancholic kind of day here in Apple River. I don't mind so much in spite of the sadness I feel for a number of my friends and the difficulties they're going through.

And like many, my heart can't help but feel the heaviness of what's happening in the world.

 The rain can be comforting as it causes me to reflect. The smell of country air after rain is so sweet and renews my spirit when I'm feeling low.

Monday's Solar Eclipse heralds a hopeful time of renewal and a time to press the reset button in our lives.

Today I received this poem Sea Iris, from a site I subscribe to. On the weekends poetry that has been written by poets of the past is sent, which I especially love learning about.

Hilda Doolittle is one of my favourite poets and receiving this reminded me of my dear friend who is much like Pandora, opening the box, releasing all the Spites which she looks past, fixing her gaze on Iris the goddess of the Rainbow, with hope and faith in her heart, the most precious attribute of the human spirit...



Sea Iris

H. D.
Weed, moss-weed,
root tangled in sand,
sea-iris, brittle flower,
one petal like a shell
is broken,
and you print a shadow
like a thin twig.
Fortunate one,
scented and stinging,
rigid myrrh-bud,
sweet and salt—you are wind
in our nostrils.
Do the murex-fishers
drench you as they pass?
Do your roots drag up colour
from the sand?
Have they slipped gold under you—
rivets of gold?
Band of iris-flowers
above the waves,
you are painted blue,
painted like a fresh prow
stained among the salt weeds.
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This poem is in the public domain.

About This Poem

“Sea Iris” was published in Sea Garden (Constable and Company, Ltd., 1916).
Hilda Doolittle was born in 1886 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Her collections of poetry include Red Roses for Bronze (Houghton Mifflin, 1931) and Helen in Egypt (Grove Press, 1961). She died in 1961.
Photo credit: Perdita Schaffner/New Directions


Judith Joseph said...

I love this beautiful little painting! What a sensitive, evocative landscape. I think it may be my favorite piece of yours. I was trying to figure out if you used charcoal, but I think you just blended your paint very softly.
What a brutal week! I keep trying to focus on the good in people, which is also very much in evidence. We must keep hope alive! Expressing the beauty of nature in art certainly helps.

Unknown said...

Thank you Judith. It was painted a number of years back. It's a small painting. I sold it to a women in our neighbouring village. She was originally from Scotland and she said it reminded her of her coastal village there, Arrochar.

No charcoal, just paint. It was done in oil, and oil pastels.

You're so right.

I've turned to the wise words of Elie Wiesel.

"No human race is superior; no religious faith is inferior. All collective judgments are wrong. Only racists make them."

" Just as despair can come to one only from other human beings, hope too can be given to one only by other human beings."