Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lisa de St. Croix - Miriam Shapiro

Deciding to create another blog, Apple River Tarot Readings has lead me to expand, and deepen my interest in the art created and displayed in the decks. The Artist Pamela Coleman Smith, who illustrated and designed the most popular deck, Rider-Waite-Smith, has long been my inspiration, as I am certain she is the same for many Tarot readers and artists who create decks today.

Some Tarot card artists are exceptional, and can be very engaging and compelling to learn about. Many are empowered creatives.
I am particularly interested in women artists, being a woman myself who attended University at the height of the feminist movement in the early 70s at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.

 This morning I found artist Lisa de St. Croix. I was excited to learn that she had apprenticed as an Fine Artist with Canadian Feminist Artist Miriam Shapiro.

Miriam Shapiro was a visiting artist at NSCAD many years ago, along with several other feminist artists, such as Martha Rosler, Martha Wilson, Joyce Wieland etc., who helped to revolutionize the face of woman's art and art history. They blazed a trail, set an example for other young women artists like myself at the time, and helped to change the world. They still greatly inspire me today, probably even more so then in the past.

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